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Differences between a Decorator and an Interior Designer

Do you have a space or room that you want to give a facelift to, bring it to life, make it functional and reflect your personality, but you don’t know if you need a decorator or interior designer. The objective of this blog is to clear up your doubts about the differences between a Decorator and an Interior Designer so that you can work with the professional that meets your requirements.

What differences an Interior Designer?

The main difference is training and studies. The interior designer has a 4-year university degree, in which he acquires knowledge in architecture. They learn how the structure of buildings or homes works, as well as knowledge of plumbing, electricity, air conditioning, acoustic conditioning…

Diseño de Interiores, Planos, Reforma,Funcionalidad

Services they can provide:

It is based on managing existing spaces to enhance their functionality.

They have as a priority the study of the client’s needs, in order to adapt the spaces to the independent needs of each member of the house, creating functional and comfortable spaces for the owners. (In addition to aesthetics).

When we refer to habitat spaces such as homes, or work spaces such as offices, one should undoubtedly think about generating safe and comfortable spaces. See list of services offered by Interior Designers here.

Advantages and disadvantages of interior design.

The greatest advantage is to achieve maximum adaptability of the space to the needs of the client. It is the way to achieve 100% functionality of the space, creating totally personalized spaces.

However, it is true that to carry this out it is necessary to carry out reform.

Qualifications of an interior designer

When redistributing homes or offices to meet the new requirements and needs of clients, they go through a process of planning, organizing and managing the project by making plans and perspectives and construction details to understand the new designs and configurations of the spaces. .

They can also be construction managers supervising the interior work so that everything is done according to the project. Select materials and coverings according to the needs of each of the rooms.

Qué diferencia a un Decorador

El decorador cuenta con conocimientos sobre decoración y tendencias, aunque actualmente no es necesario tener ningún estudio especifico para ejercer de ello. El objetivo que persiguen los decoradores es potenciar el valor estético de los espacios a través de colores y texturas.

Decorador, Colores, Texturas, Modas, Estilos

Tipo de servicios

El trabajo de un decorador de interiores se basa en la elección de elementos mobiliarios y accesorios que consigan generar un ambiente y sintonía buscados. Los colores y texturas de los diferentes textiles y superficies deben combinar entre ellos, determinando, a su vez, el tipo de iluminación para los diferentes ambientes. El objetivo que persiguen es incrementar el valor estético del espacio interior con el que trabajan. Para conocer más de los pasos que siguen los decoradores para transformar un espacio haz clic aqui

Ventajas y desventajas del decorador

Nos ofrece la oportunidad de crear espacios con aspectos más llamativos y arriesgados, pero visualmente estéticos.

Por otro lado, nos encontramos con la desventaja que las modificaciones que realizan los decoradores únicamente se encuentran sobre las superficies existentes. El decorador por si solo no puede realizar trabajos del diseñador de interiores ya que requiere conocimientos de estructura e instalaciones.

What differences a Decorator?

You must know the different styles of decoration, brands and distributors to be able to carry out decoration projects. They must be able to choose tones and textures that work well with each other, as well as choose artistic elements that give unique touches to spaces.

In short, it is important to understand that despite the differences between interior design and decoration, both are complementary, thus leading many interior designers to train as decorators and learn about new styles that are emerging. In this way, it is possible to renovate homes or businesses much more effectively.

Diseño de Interiores, Decoración

These are professions that are booming due to the growing demand in recent years. Today, society considers it more useful to reform and adapt existing homes and spaces than to build a space from scratch.


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